Lokomotiv Kanarone Home Page
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  CADENCE - Apr, May, June 2009
  MUSICA JAZZ n° 7 - luglio 2009
  CD on JAZZ & TZAZ - May 2009
  ALL ABOUT JAZZ - 15 gennaio 2009
  CULTUREJAZZ - octobre 2008
  JAZZRYTMIT - 10 dicembre 2008
  O ZURRETT D'ARTAL - 26 de julio de 2008
  IL MANIFESTO - sabato 12 marzo 2005
  CADENCE - n° 2 - february 2004
  MUSICA JAZZ - n° 5 - 4 maggio 2004
  LA REPUBBLICA - 4 maggio 2004
  JAZZAROUND - avril - mai 2004
  TOMAJAZZ - marzo 2004
  MUSICA JAZZ - gennaio 2004
  IMPROJAZZ - issue 102 february 2004
  ITALIAN JAZZ NOTES - dicembre 2003
  LA STAMPA - 13 settembre 2003
  QUI - maggio 2003
  Mark Dresser - Personal Communication
  Antonio Feola - Personal Communication
  LA REPUBBLICA - mercoledì 1 marzo 2000
  LA STAMPA - mercoledì 23 Giugno 1999

David Lewis

February 2004

This Italian Quintet lives up to its name by creating driving grooves that take you on a journey. There is a brawny swagger about the playing of Buffa, Rigoletti and Malfatto that suggests Mingus meets the Dirty Dozen Brass Band. The nod to Mingus is evident in the urgent ostinato riff “Italian Fight Song” with its echo of “Haitian Fight Song”. Rigoletti begins “Liberi Tutti” with lyrical solo trumpet and the ensemble passages bridge solo statements by Buffa, Bodrato, Malfatto and Stizzoli in tur.

Maggio transforms lyrical art-music into a smouldering Blues groove while the tricky circular triplet riff of “Black Dance” show how this ensemble thrives on musical chllenge. Most of the solos are engaging and full of verve and passionate invention, notably Malfatto’s multiphonic smears in “Vitorchiano Paradise”, “Petrodollar” and “Nancy e Rajssa”. Lokomotiv is further proof the continuing vibrant health of Italy’s improvised music scene.
info@lokomotivkanarone.net Web Design Tream Adv Torino - www.tream.it